Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Splurge Night: French Onion Filet Mignon

My auntie and uncle sent Will and me some food from Omaha Steaks, among which were four beautiful filet mignons. I decided to attempt the recipe that earned me an A in culinary school as my signature dish, but was so brown that the chef teaching the class thought it was raw despite it being medium rare because it was so browned.
First, caramelize one sliced onion. Once the onion is caramelized, remove them from the pan and set it aside. Add your steaks and cook until they're browned; it's okay if they get a little burned. Remove them from the pan and set it aside.
Deglaze your pan with marsala; once it starts to reduce, add your filet mignons back to the pan and let them infuse with the flavor as well as get a bit browner. Meanwhile, toast some white or sourdough bread and butter it. Once the marsala is reduced to the point of being glossy, remove the steaks from the pan, arrange the onions on the toast points, put the steak on top of the onions, place a slice of Swiss or gruyere cheese on the steak, and pour the marsala reduction on top of the stack. I served this with the twice baked potatoes that were sent with the steaks and broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots; but mashed potatoes and any vegetable would go with this.
Will loved it; he said it's by far my best dish. I got the reduction done a little better than that fateful final. I think the chef would be proud of what I did, but he would also likely give me feedback to further perfect it. I am quite proud of it, and will continue to work with it.

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