Sunday, April 15, 2012

Taco Salad: A Quick and Easy Way to Eat Well

On Thursday, I made my family's version of taco salad. It is the world's easiest thing to make. All you need to do is chop up some tomatoes, lettuce and avocados, put them in separate bowl; shred some cheddar cheese and put it into a bowl; and brown some ground beef and onions in a skillet with paprika, chili powder, garlic powder, cumin, and cayenne pepper. My family usually uses whole pinto beans, but I used refried in this case. You then have everyone build their perfect salad, using taco sauce as dressing.
Speaking of which, I learned to make Will's doctored refried beans. I didn't realize how easy it really was. All you need to do is fry the beans in a little bit of grapeseed oil, add some garlic powder, onion powder, seasoned salt, and cheddar cheese; and cook till it tastes right. World's easiest doctored food item.

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