Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Meatball Subs: An Effective Way of Using Leftovers

I always wind up with a ton of leftover sauce and meatballs whenever I make spaghetti, so generally all I need to do is buy or bake some hot dog buns and maybe some mozzarella or provolone cheeses and I have a meal ready to go.
All you need to do is heat the desired amount of spaghetti sauce until it's good and hot. Then add your meatballs and, once they're also hot, serve. Make sure to get a nice thick sort of hot dog bun; the cheapest ones get really soggy and can be tough to handle as a result, so your money will be well spent. If you have a grocery store that bakes bread fresh, you have a good chance of finding proper buns. As for the cheese, since it's not the centerpiece of the meal, you don't need to shell out extra money for the best; something middle of the road or even on the cheap end will do.
Will and I loved this version; we usually use fairly cheap hot dog buns that are gummy and get so soggy that you have to eat your meatball sub with a fork and knife, so we were in for quite a surprise when the buns we got actually held up enough to pick up and eat.

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